How To Determine If You Have A Gambling Problem

One of the most immensely difficult aspects of a subject as complex as addiction is realizing that you have a problem, even if friends and family may have tried to alert you to it. Denial is a big part of it and a major obstacle that has to be negotiated in the first instance. If you believe you may have a gambling addiction then it is vital to seek help for it for your own good and also for the other people in your life that may be affected by it. These are some of the signs that could indicate that you have a problem when it comes to gambling.

Trying to win back money

The ways for someone to start gambling can vary significantly between each person. It could be that you got into it as a social thing while you were with friends for example but when addiction takes to hold the circumstances change. At first, your motivations may well be centered upon a reasonably casual desire to win some money that you would find very welcome. However, if you are still gambling after you have lost a significant amount of money then the reasons why you are doing it have altered. Gambling in an attempt to recoup losses that you have made is potentially a sign of addiction so pay close attention to any indication of this.

Seeing less of loved ones

  • Here are some signs that a person may have a gambling problem: Spends a lot of time gambling. This leaves little time for family, friends, or other interests. Begins to place larger bets and more often.
  • We have listed some websites you can visit if you are searching for help, whether for you or someone you know. Gamblers Anonymous The most straightforward site for those who believe they have a gambling problem is the official Gamblers Anonymous page.
  • If you recognize symptoms of gambling addiction in yourself, take this gambling self-assessment to learn how to tell if you have a gambling problem. This quiz is a self-guided assessment that has been created from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders which is the standard criteria for diagnosing mental health and substance.
  • As if the economic downturn hasn’t given us enough to worry about, now experts are expecting a dramatic rise in problem gambling!Bill Eadington, the director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming, says that six out of 100 adults are at high risk for gambling problems.

The time that you would usually get to spend with family and friends is drastically compromised when you are addicted to something so it could be that you are going through this. If you are putting off seeing those who should be closest to you in favor of visiting the bookmakers or placing a bet by any other means then consider seeking guidance from somebody.

Covering up

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Due to the problems and connotations that are attached to addiction, the natural response from sufferers is to mask over any problems and to hide them from those in their life. An addiction to gambling has severe financial implications and the knock-on effects from this are hard to ignore, especially if you are in a relationship or have children. If you regularly have to lie about things to protect yourself from admitting you have a problem then this is a sure sign.

How To Determine If You Have A Gambling Problem

There are indeed so many more possible signs that could point to a gambling addiction including borrowing money, putting on larger and larger bets, and constantly thinking about your next bet, to give merely three examples.

Obviously, not everyone who gambles has a problem. Many people enjoy gambling as a social activity without it threatening their financial security or family relationships. Nonetheless, gambling can lead to addiction and serious consequences for those who can’t control the impulse. With as many as 3-5 out of every 100 gamblers, and as many as 750,000 young people ages 14-21 having a gambling addition, gambling can be compared to handling fire — it can either be used to your advantage, or seriously hurt you.

How can you tell when someone you love is developing a gambling problem? At what point does it become an addiction? These are questions you may be afraid to contemplate, but recognizing and admitting are the first steps to helping your spouse overcome a gambling problem and avoid further devastating consequences.

How can you tell if you have a gambling problem

How To Determine If You Have A Gambling Problem Solving

A Gambling Problem: Recognizing the Signs

A gambling problem is defined as behavior that disrupts life, even if it’s not out of control. The reasons for excessive gambling vary, but many people use it to alleviate stress or feelings of incompetency. The following signs may indicate your spouse has a gambling problem:

  • Increasing preoccupation with gambling that consumes excessive time and money
  • Feeling the need to try to recap losses instead of calling it quits
  • Gambling that has a negative effect on mood, behavior, relationships, and financial stability

How To Tell If U Have A Gambling Problem

Basically, there may have a problem if you’re worried about your spouse’s behavior. Once recognized, it’s important to calmly confront your spouse and discuss how to handle it together. Extreme responses of ignoring/passively enabling the problem, or issuing ultimatums are not effective because they will allow it to escalate. The confrontations can also make your spouse feel attacked and defensive, which could lead to covert gambling.

Ideally, gambling problems can be resolved without outside help. It’s important to pinpoint your spouse’s reasons for gambling and create a game plan for addressing their underlying motivations and trigger points.

The Defining Line of Addiction: Loss of Control

There is a fine but distinct line between a gambling problem and a gambling addiction, but it can be summed up in this phrase: loss of control. Someone with a gambling problem may be on the path to an addiction, but they are still able to maintain some sense of control. In the case of an addition, the impulse to gamble calls the shots. Here are the major signs.

How To Determine If You Have A Gambling Problem At A

  • Obsession with gambling. Gambling becomes so important and all-consuming that it takes priority over financial stability, relationships, and physical well-being.
  • Inability to stop. As with other addictions, your spouse may recognize they have a problem and even try to rein it in, but are unable to control it on their own.
  • Psychological withdrawal. When addicts aren’t able to gamble, they’re likely to become restless, irritable, and otherwise disturbed.
  • Secretive, dishonest, or illegal behavior. As a gambling addict’s finances get worse, they may resort to desperate measures to continue their behavior without detection or immediate consequences.
  • Denial. Addicts often have difficulty admitting they have a serious problem. The illusion of control is what continues to twist their minds into rationalizing their behavior.

Your spouse might have a diagnosable compulsive gambling disorder if these signs describe him or her, and it may be time to seek outside help through group therapy sessions or individual counseling. Gambling can be a fun pastime, or it can be a serious problem too. It’s important to recognize the difference between a hobby, a problem, and an addition, and respond in a way that protects your relational and financial health.

How To Determine If You Have A Gambling Problem

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